23 Pokrentos, a kastron in 1047, is no longer mentioned as a settlement. This is probably because Pokrentos is called Ravenikeia in later sources. Nevertheless, al-though Ravenikeia was a settlement of some importance it is never called a town.24
24 On the likely identity of Pokrentos with Ravenikeia, see Docheiariou, no. 50, and Jacques Lefort, Nicolas Oikonomidès, Denise Papachryssanthou (eds), Actes dIviron II, du milieu du XI e siècle à 1204, Paris: P. Lethielleux, 1990, p. 196. Ravenikeia was the name of an enoria in 1101 (ibid., no. 50), of a
chora before 1274 (Paul Lemerle, Gilbert Dagron, Sima Ćirković (eds),
Actes de Saint-Pant‘l‘èmôn, Paris: P. Lethielleux, 1982, no. 9], and of ankatepanikion
in 1275 (X‘ropotamou , no. 10), elements that suggest that the settlement was important. A document of 1349 (Docheiariou, no. 25) mentions the kastellion of Ravenikeia with the tower and the peasants and lands found there, all of which were donated by Stefan Dušan to Docheiariou. Although the expression kastellion with tower usually denotes a fortified administrative centre of an estate, we cannot exclude the possibility that here it refers to the walled settlement of Ravenikeia.
Οικισμός και Περιβάλλον στη Χαλκιδική, από τον 9ο έως τον 15ο αιώνα μ.Χ., στα Ορυχεία, τις Ελιές και τα Μοναστήρια. Θέματα της Περιβαλλοντικής Ιστορίας της Χαλκιδικής, εκδ. Β. Γουναρής (Θεσσαλονίκη: Επίκεντρο και Φάρος, 2015), 114
Κωστής Σμύρλης
Jackues Lefort
Eau Xe siècle : habitat rural, communes et domaines